The Value of Time

Time is a very necessary facet of life when it comes to the fulfilment of purpose. The sound of a clicking or ticking clock, “tick-tock!” is a constant reminder that we are here on this Earth for so much more and whatever that is, as far as this temporal world is concerned, it’s time-bound. There are necessary things we have to do that are limited by time. It is always a reminder that for as long as we are on this Earth there is a moment for the beginning of a task and a moment when it has to end.

God wants us to be conscious of time when we set about what we need to be doing. God lives in eternity, a timeless zone. When we are brought into a relationship with Him, we live in this timeless zone with Him but then He has placed us on an earth that is regulated by time for the fulfilment of purpose. As men and women on a mission on this Earth, we are bound by this time and that is why there are times and seasons. Are you conscious that every second of your life on this Earth matters and that your time is a precious and valuable asset hence must never be wasted? It is vital that we put our priorities in order and make every second of our lives count. What tasks or activities gets your most attention? Are they relevant to your life’s purpose? If not then it is necessary to reassess and prioritize your life and discard what needs to be thrown away. Don’t waste your time worrying or overthinking things –  that will get you nowhere! Don’t waste your efforts on futile missions. Put your life in order – the Holy Spirit can help you with that and everything else. Study God’s Word – meditate on scripture. Talk to God in prayer through the agency of the Holy Spirit

The scripture says to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all its righteousness and every other thing will be added to us (Matthew 6:33). A rich and intimate relationship with God and the establishment of his Kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost in the hearts of men should be the topmost priority of the believer. As God’ s people we have to ensure that every second of our existence in this temporary world is contributing to this priority. We have to ensure our lives impact and bring others into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. The scripture admonishes us to walk in wisdom redeeming the time (Ephesians 5:15-16, Colossians 4:5). This means time is not wasted but gained when we walk in wisdom. This is absolutely impossible with Men but not with God. 

Who is the wise according to scripture? The wise is he or she who wins souls, who draws men to God. He or she who is a minister of Salvation (Proverbs 11:30, Daniel 12:3). When you are Kingdom driven time will not elude you. Do not let time elude you. Make your life count by valuing your time and fulfil purpose.

2 thoughts on “The Value of Time”

  1. Time and season… You draw it well. We’re to do things in time. Successful people and unsuccessful people have only one thing in common and that is Time. The way we use it determine the outcome result.
    Thank you very much for this book.
    God ever increases you in knowledge and wisdom to offer more to us.

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